Problem when using 2 widgets with query in the same app

Hi all, i have a quite complex problem, i cant provide a snippet that simulate it, i will try to describe it in words.
We have an app like Desktop (we made it before your release of your desktop app), in this we have 2 widgets, say A and B, using the same widget C inside them. The C widget uses a datatable to display our data from server, and the Query widget to filter the data.
In this C widget we cutomized Query this way Customizing Query of UI Complex Widgets, Query Webix Docs, in paritular we did this

export default class CustomBar extends {
	config () {
		const ui = super.config();
		const button=ui.cols[1];
		return ui;

and then

override: new Map([[, CustomBar]])

In short, we just moved the button from right to left in a Query view with “bar” type like this Code Snippet, and adjusted its width to better fit our label (just the translation of “add filter” in italian).
Now the problem:
it all works as long as you open just one widget, A or B, but if you open them together, the first one you opened loses the customization, the button returns to right and becomes small again… any idea why?
Sorry for the long explanation, i hope it is clear enough.

I guess I have somewhat reproduced your usecase Code Snippet but unfortunately I cannot repeat the problem. Maybe you can add something to the snippet to elaborate on the context? I would have guessed some issue with unwanted passing of an object somewhere, but here I could not see the issue you describe. Overall, the usecase seems to be the following: there are several instances of query on the same page. So I guess there’s something else to it.