Hello, I need support about a problem I’m facing when trying to add webix spreadsheet to our project and test its functionalities. I am using free trial version, so I understood that I can use all the complex widgets. When I try to create a local file on my computer, just a simple html file, to test the spreadsheet there is no problem. Also there is no problem on opening the samples in the zip file with the spreadsheet widget in the free trial. But when I try to add the spreadsheet to our project, again locally on my computer and just for testing purposes, there is a problem on using the spreadsheet. First our project is an asp.net mvc app, and for our interface we are using polymer and the concept of reusable components. I want to create a new component representing the spreadsheet. The new component is created in the wwwroot directory of the project as html. I am creating a new directory in the folder where the component will be created with the spreadsheet in it. Also I am adding all the files which were in the spreadsheet directory in the free trial zip file in that same directory. Then I add the files, which are needed for creating the spreadsheet (webix.js, spreadsheet.js, webix.css, spreadsheet.css) as shown in the documentation in the html file where I create the spreadsheet. When I start the project in the browser and try to load the new spreadsheet component I get two errors. They are “Uncaught ReferenceError: webix is not defined
at locale.js:2
at spreadsheet.js:9
at spreadsheet.js:9” and this is the exact error
and the other error is “webix.js:17 Uncaught TypeError: ni[i] is not a constructor
at oi (webix.js:17)
at l (webix.js:17)
at Object.ni [as ui] (webix.js:17)
at hr-spreadsheet.html.js:70
at Object.bi [as ready] (webix.js:19)
at HTMLElement._Init (hr-spreadsheet.html.js:69)
at HTMLElement.attached (hr-spreadsheet.html.js:9)
at HTMLElement._invokeBehavior (polymer-micro.html.js:443)
at HTMLElement._doBehavior (polymer-micro.html.js:433)
at polymer-micro.html.js:215”
which I searched and found out that it means that webix.ui constructor can’t recognize the spreadsheet view. I have to say that everything is done as shown in the documentation and when I try to create a simple html file locally creating the spreadsheet it works. I was wondering whether the problem is because I am not using the pro version, but the free trial. Also, please tell me, if there is something else to add in order to use the spreadsheet except the four files, maybe if there is also an instruction on integrating webix with polymer will be useful. I also want to note that I tried the same thing with kanban widget, but the result was the same two errors when trying to load the component. I would be glad if you can help me with this case. Also I can provide source code if needed.
Best regards,