Property Sheet

I have an issue showing zeros in the property sheet. There are many rows but a snippet of 4 rows would be …
{id: 2, label: “Unique Name”, value: “”, type: “text”}
{id: 3, label: “Status”, value: “On”, type: “select”, options: [“On”, “Off”, “Ignore”]}
{id: 4, label: “Elevation”, value: 0, type: “text”, subType: “number”}
{id: 5, label: “Elevation Unit”, type: “select”, options: [“m”, “cm”, “inch”], value: “m”}

The 3rd row with id=4 does not show 0 in the Property Sheet but shows a null string i.e. “”. Using 0.0 or even “0” also renders as “”. Can I prevent this from happening or how can I display zero.

are you sure that "0" is not rendered?
in this snippet it is displayed as expected.

y, you are correct “0” as text is displayed, just 0 or 0.0 that is converted to null. My bad. Thanks for answering

Entering a 0 in the above code snippet i.e.
using {id: 4, label: “Elevation”, value: 0, type: “text”, subType: “number”}, does not show anything.

Guess its all in the name type: “text”.

Feature request for a “number” type as an inplace editor. For me its a pain to convert all zero numbers into strings as I dynamically update the contents from over 80 different sources all displaying different rows and different contents but there are planty of 0 values.

yes 0 will not work.
but entering "0" is not much hard.

check this as a workaround

OK, thanks for the tip.

Maybe eventually we can have a type: “number” in the property sheet in order to avoid the programmer having to iterate and make multiple conversions when setting and getting elements[]. For example it would be useful to enter a number in -0.3e-6 or 34.25E10 format. Low priority as we have a workarounds.

Thanks agin for your fast and comprehensive response.