put datatable into a layout and datatable already exists?

i have DT like that and on_click in cell button:

grida = webix.ui({
					{ id:"NAME",  		header: "Название", width: 300},
					{ id:"ISBN10",		header:"ISBN10", 	  width:150},
					{ id:"ISBN13",		header:"ISBN13",    width:300},
					{ id:"AUTHOR",		header:"АВТОРЫ", width:150},
					{ id:"IDBC",		header:"ЧИТАТЬ", width:150, template: "<input type='button' value='Читать' class='details_button' style='background: #396D9E;background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #5D91C3 0% , #396D9E 100%); background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0,#5D91C3), color-stop(1, #396D9E)); border:1px solid #396D9E; text-shadow: 0 -1px #134471; box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 1px #8eb3d5; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 1px #8eb3d5; color:#FFFFFF; font-size: 15px;'>"},
				autowidth: true,

grida.on_click.details_button=function(e, id, trg){
						webix.ajax("query.php?bid="+this.getItem(id).IDBC, function(text){   
						$$("frame-body").define("src", text);
						return false;

And i have layouts like this


               type:"space", id:"a1", rows:[{
                 type:"space", padding:2, responsive:"a1", cols:[
                     { view:"list", data:["Users", "Reports", "Settings"],
                       ready:function(){ this.select(this.getFirstId()); },
                       select:true, scroll:false, width:200 },
                     { template:"column 2", width:200 },
					 { view: "datable", id: "girda" } // want my grida DT here

So how put “grida” into row\cell?

In such case, your grida should be an object, not a function. I.e.:

var grida = { view:"datatable, id:"table", /* config */ };

and then

/* . . . */
    { template:"column 2", width:200 },
    grida // grida will be initialized

To avoid any troubles, you need to set onClick handler within the grida config instead of on_click.

thanks! already done this problem.
and yeah, now use onClick