Redefine how webix works with server API

is there any convenient way to redefine how filtering URLs get formatted?

for now i’ve found a way by redefining webix.DataLoader._feed_common = (from, count, callback) →

what I need is to make filter URL not &filter[field]=value, but just field=value

in general, I need to make Webix compatible with Django rest framework


forgot about proxy )))

webix.proxy.drfProxy =
  $proxy: true
  load: (view, callback) ->
    url = @source

    pager = view._settings.pager or
      size: 10
      page: 0

    url += if url.charAt(url.length - 1) == '/' then '' else '/'
    url += '?page='
    url += + 1

    for filter of view._filter_elements
      record = view._filter_elements[filter]
      if record[2].getValue(record[0]).length > 0
        url += '&' + filter + '=' + record[2].getValue(record[0])

    webix.ajax url, callback, view

There are a couple of examples out there. This is a modified version of my implementation based off another users example.