regarding attachEvent('onChange');

I created data Table, in data Table, I am using like
{id:“cat”, editor:“rich select”,header:“Mat”, collection:Resultarray,width:100}
Now, on load I want to write
$$(“cat”).attachEvent(“onChange”, function (newv,oldv)
but it is showing undefined reference , so please suggest me what i have to do please .

In above code id:“cat” is id of column, not the id of component.

You need to use the parent component and onAfterEditStop event.

dtable.attachEvent("onAfterEditStop", function(){ /*some*/ })

I will try
Thank you.

Thank you,
but again I 'm getting problem related to place holder , can I use placeholder in following code,
id:“cat”, editor:“rich select”,header:“Mat”, collection:Resultarray,width:100, placeholder:‘Add Some’
if yes then please suggest or any other suggestion

There is no way to use placeholder for richselect editor, as editor doesn’t have the input field ( it just shows a list of suggestion, without active edit area )

If it really necessary in your case, you can consider usage of combo editor. While it still doesn’t support placeholder by default, combo can be customized to support such an option.

How to customize to support such an option, please suggest me.
Thank You

Check the attached example, it shows the combo editor with placeholder defined.

In this example, functionality was created through the onAfterEditStart event.