Reload gantt data

How can I reload gantt data dynamically easy as reload datatable baseurl ajax request ?
also I can change link/resource url

Use datatable simply call reload with newUrl

        let newUrl = `${urlData}&start_date=${startDate}&end_date=${endDate}`;

my gantt:

        class GanttBackend extends {
          tasks() {

            return webix
              .get(url) // <<------- this dynamic
              .then((response) => response.json())
              .fail(function (err) {});
          links() {
            //  <<------- this also dynamic
            // return Promise.resolve(links_baseline);

 let gv = {
          view: "gantt",
          id: "gnt",
          // hidden: true,
          baseline: true,
          split: true,
          // excludeHolidays: true,
          readonly: true,
          criticalPath: true,
          scales: [yearScale, quarterScale, monthScale],
          scaleCellWidth: 400,
          override: new Map([[, MyBackend]]),

Hi @finzaiko

Starting from 9.2, Gantt has built-in clearAll and reload methods: Code Snippet

  • clearAll only clears all collections, resets scroll and selection, etc.
  • reload does the same + forces reloading, so if you already have dynamic url in the Backend service, the data will be loaded from the current resource