Is it possible to get rid of the ‘File’ and ‘Folder’ type icons which appear on a tree table? Or maybe change them?
I asked the same question before:
That’s it. There’re also some samples on customization in folder.
Thank you, agwebix.
I am creating webix tree for each type I have with specific id. For e.g. loading information of person designation details in tree. So when I load any other person details webix throws error for Non unique id. This specific id is also used for other purposes like checking selected items etc.
so when I load any person I want to remove tree exist in webix.viewcomponents and add new one with same id.
How do I do it ? so it doesn’t store information of past selected trees as this just useless for me.
I’m afraid item ID must be unique so that you can correctly work with the items (check, select them programmatically).
You can use webix.uid() method to create randow IDs for the newly added items, or update existing items with the new data.
Is there any way to delete/remove that tree control from view and add it again with same id ??
If you need to have the same control, maybe it has sense to reload data only ( it can be done with help of clearAll, load and parse command )