Richselect and Scrollbar

I have a problem wiht richselect. i have an app for mobile-devices and i have changed css
( .webix_el_box / .webix_input_label / .webix.input_static → font-size 45) and (.webix_list_item → font-size:45; height:50; margin-top:10)
That works very good if i have more than 15 items in the list. if i have 7 items the scroll-bar will be not showed and i can not scroll. But not all items are visible, so i can not select all items.
i hope you understand my case.
thank you in advance

i have found the a semi-good solution

.webix_list {
overflow-y : scroll !important;

But… now the scrollbar is always visible, even with 2 items.

Hello ObiWanKenobi,

In webix it is not allowed to change sizes of the components (such as height, width etc,) using css stylesheets as webix calculates sizes in JS, so styles that change sizes and positioning conflict with the calculated values.

You can set the height of the elements using type (type implementation).

Please take a look at the example: Code Snippet