Hello. How do I insert a richselect inside a form that passes a text value to another field in the same form? example:
var form = {
view: “form”,
id: “mainView”,
labelWidth: 130
scroll: true,
{view: "text", name: "code", label: "Code"},
{view: "text", name: "nome", label: "Nome"},
{view: "text", name: "prezzo", label: "Votes"},
{view: "richselect", name: "categoria", label:"Category", vertical: true, options:
on:{onChange: function(id){
// alert("you have clicked on an item with id="+this.getText());
{view: "text", name: "categoryname", label: "categoryname", value:"44"},
{view: "text", name: "statusName", label: "statusName"},
{view:"richselect", name:"status", id:"status", value: 1, label: "Status", options:[
{id:"1", value:"Published"},
{id:"2", value:"Not published"},
{id:"0", value:"Deleted"}
'onChange': function(title){
//alert("you have clicked on an item with id="+$$("status").getText());
// $$("statusName").setValue($$("status").getText());
//{view: "checkbox", name: "in_stock", label: "In stock",value: 1},
{ view: "label", label: "Full description", height:30},
{ id:'editor', name:"descrizione", view:"ckeditor", value:"", editor:{language: 'en'}, minHeight: 220},