i am trying to get that rec_type value but no luck…
this is the edit form i have…it is not easy to get that value jeje
scheduler.config.form = [
view: "segmented", id: "pages", options:
{ id: "formCabecera", value: "<img src='resources/Android/drawable-ldpi/etiqueta_verde.png' />" },
{ id: "formImagenes", value: "<img src='resources/Android/drawable-ldpi/media_verde.png' />" },
{ id: "formUbicacion", value: "<img src='resources/Android/drawable-ldpi/ubicacion.png' />" },
{ id: "formPases", value: "<img src='resources/Android/drawable-ldpi/pases_verde.png' />" },
{ id: "formPatrocinadores", value: "<img src='resources/Android/drawable-ldpi/etiqueta_verde.png' />" },
{ id: "formColaboradores", value: "<img src='resources/Android/drawable-ldpi/etiqueta_verde.png' />" },
{ id: "formInscripciones", value: "<img src='resources/Android/drawable-ldpi/etiqueta_verde.png' />" },
id: "formPages",
type: "clean",
view: "eventlayout",
id: "formCabecera",
{ view: "text", label: scheduler.locale.labels.label_event, labelWidth: 90, id: "text", name: 'text' },
{ view: "datetext", label: scheduler.locale.labels.label_start, labelWidth: 90, id: 'start_date', name: 'start_date', dateFormat: scheduler.config.form_date },
{ view: "datetext", label: scheduler.locale.labels.label_end, labelWidth: 90, id: 'end_date', name: 'end_date', dateFormat: scheduler.config.form_date },
{ view: "checkbox", id: 'allDay', name: 'allDay', label: scheduler.locale.labels.label_allday, labelWidth: 100, value: 0 },
//custom section in form
{view: "text", label: "Location", id: 'location', name: "location", labelWidth: 90 }
type: "clean",
view: "eventlayout",
id: "formImagenes",
{ view: "text", label: "Location", id: 'location', name: "Imágenes", labelWidth: 90 }
type: "clean",
view: "eventlayout",
id: "formUbicacion",
{ view: "text", label: "Location", id: 'location', name: "Ubicación", labelWidth: 90 }
// type: "clean",
// view: "eventlayout",
id: "formPases",
{ view: "rectext", id: 'rec_type', name: 'rec_type', label: "<span style='color:green; margin.left:5px;'>Nuevo horario</span>" }
type: "clean",
view: "eventlayout",
id: "formPatrocinadores",
{ view: "text", label: "Location", id: 'location', name: "Patrocinadores", labelWidth: 90 }
type: "clean",
view: "eventlayout",
id: "formColaboradores",
{ view: "text", label: "Location", id: 'location', name: "Colaboradores", labelWidth: 90 }
type: "clean",
view: "eventlayout",
id: "formInscripciones",
{ view: "text", label: "Location", id: 'location', name: "Inscripciones", labelWidth: 90 }
I tried it for a long time but…
i tried this:
$$("scheduler").$$("recDone").attachEvent("onItemClick", function () {
var _form = $$("scheduler").$$("formPages").q[3].q[0]
var _formPages = $$("scheduler").$$("formPages").q[3].q[0].data
var _formPages2 = $$("scheduler").$$("formPages").q[3].q[0].data.value;
webix.delay(function () {
var type = $$("scheduler").$$("rec_type").getValue();
// your code
but the value is always empty…
please help me…
if you need something about the proyect ask to me please!
thanks and regards…