Scrolling Datatable on Mac Book with Safari

I have a Datatable with some data (more than on one page).

Try to scroll on Macbook (Safari) its EXTREMLY slow. (v2.1)

When i am over the scroll-bar area, that appears after beginning to scrolll, scrolling is perfekt.

No problem on mac with chrome.
No problem with option “prerender”:true - but this is no solution for big data (dynamic).

Still have that problem (current version) … are you working on that?

As fast solution you can use prerender:true which will solve the issue.

The final solution is not released yet.

Thank you - but that fast solution is not useable (big data, dynamic loading). :((

Wish you a great new year!

MacOs stops scroll event processing when element on which scroll was started is removed from the DOM. That is why it doesn’t work correctly with datatable, where view repaints dynamically, as you scroll.

We have few ideas how to workaround the problem. Hopefully Webix 2.2 will have correct scrolling on MacOs.

I use webix version 3.3.17 Scroll-problem still exists on Mac OS. With Chrome browser there is no scrollbar at all on datatable which is a great problem for us.
Is there any changes which I can implement to get a scrollbar view for datatables??

Hi, sorry but we can’t reconstruct problem anymore
It was fixed in Webix 3.0, so any later build must work correctly. There is a known issue for the horizontal scroll in FireFox, it is fixed in latest dev build, though.

Do you have a problem in default samples, or only in your app? Please point to any page where the issue occurs for you. Also please provide a version of Mac OS for which the issue occurs.

With mousepade horizontal scrolling is posible. But the scrollbar is shown, when starting scrolling. Otherwise it’s hidden.

Mac OS:
OS El Capitan version 10.11.4 und
OS Yosemite 10.10.5. (14f27)

chrome version Version 51.0.2704.103 (64-bit),
Firefox 47.0.1,
Safari Version 8.0.8 (10600.8.9)

webix version 3.3.17 is this the latest dev Build?

Could you please provide me a link to a page on which I can check the horizontal scrolling on a MacBook to check that this problem might be my own code problem.

As I told you on Windows systems there is no problem at all.

Sorry for this. But this very important for us.


Hello Maksim

I have checked this page

On window we see a horizontal scrollbar on all browsers but on Mac Book

You can’t see any Scrollbar at all!!
Is it posible to send you pictures? Or please take thislink and try it on your MAC by your self.


Do you know how to set scrollbares on Mac OS always visible? So one can scroll with the mouse cursor as well.

Thank you