Scrollview with fixed views ?

Can your team work on an update scrolliew that will let one or some views fixed and let the other views cross behind them while scrolling?

  • It could be work like a fixed header view, or can be use to indicate each time
    the zones views where we are while scrolling.

  • It can be use also for data views comparison for those views that can’t be neighbour. …( documentation, statistics, …)

These fixed views can be placed at the head or at the bottom , the middle the left, … (the position can be specified ) when going to fade out of the scrollview.

In the case of many views, we will define the layer levels (as z-index) of fixing for the views we need to keep at same levels.


Imagine that we are looking at the scrollview by his leftside as the following sample shows

1.(scrollview layer) 2.(scrollview layer with three level 1 views at headside)

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  1. (scrollview layer with four level 2 views at head and midde position [ don’t mind or care, I don’t even know] and two level 3 head and bottom views )

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A fixed view go to his level at the specified position of the scrollview ( by default it is going to be placed next his same level neighbour view ) to continue to be seen when it’s going to fade out . and come back to his place at the scrollview when the scrolling is come back to his default position.

The process begins at the initialisation.

I think it could be a beautyfull, help-working component.

Good work.

I come again to perform my picture of the samples i taken
For th first one the picture is
1.(scrollview layer)

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    2.(scrollview layer with three level 1 views at headside)

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  1. (scrollview layer with four level 2 views at head and midde position [ don’t mind or care, I don’t even know] and two level 3 head and bottom views )

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thanks !

oh ! I’m tired of this editor ! never mind ! I hope to been understood about my concern
thanks !