serverFilter ( Bug and Question )

Two issues on ServerFilter (datatable):

  1. Bug: when I use serverFilter in my App the cursor move to left does not work. Also some typings do no apply because thy are typed in during filtering refresh. Is there anything to configure?

  2. Question: how to configure the new serverSelectFilter - where can i put the possible selections? i guess it can’t be automatic when used together with dynamic loading.

Best regards

To 1): the bug of keyboard navigation in Filter fields korresponds to option navigation:true, if this is set, the left- and right-arrow keys in filter fields do not work anymore.
but there is still a bug of loosing key types and changing cursor position during refresh datatable view.
this must has come in during last versions of webix.

(2) you can use options property

(1) yep, I can see the problem

(2) thanks, and as i found out it works also when i put the option into header as in this modified snippet…

(1) do you know when a bugfix will be available? (i have a pro license)

Fixes for both problems in (1) will be included in the next minor build ( 2.2.1 ) It will be available till the end of week.


Tried out 2.2.1 - but the Bugs (1) are still there :((((

Yep, somehow fixes was not included in Webix 2.2.1 I have sent you a link to a dev. build by private message.

Same fixes will be included in the next build for sure.