Set additional part of URL from view

Hello all!

I use additional URL part - a tail part of the URL doesn’t correspond any view - as a parameter carrier.

My URL looks like that

I can synchronyze a view state with the [urlChange] view method, but I don’t know how I can do the same in opposite way: set additional URL part.
In short, I need two-way sunchronization URL<->ViewState.

If I use either [JetView#show] or [JetRouter#set] method then I get corrupted URL without [objectBrowser] part.

Colud someone tell me solution of this problem, please?

Well, I’ve been forced to implement the next logic

let currUrl: string =;
let urlParts: string[] = currUrl.split("/");
urlParts[urlParts.length - 1] = objectIdInput.getValue();
let newUrl: string = urlParts.join("/");, {silent: true});

It’s not very nice, from my point of view.

Moreover, there isn’t clear description of the the [IJetRouter#set] method options on the

doc. page

I’ve found out that HashRouter is based on the Routie library and I was able to looked out for options in this library source - [webix-routie/lib/routie] module.

There is the UrlParam plugin

inside of objectBrowser.init you can have

this.use(plugins.UrlParam, ["id"])

and now you can use the default params API

var id = this.getParam("id");
this.setParam("id", "13ku128218", true);

Hello Maksim!
Thank you for your advice.
This solution is exactly what I want.