Set selected value in empty combobox (suggest + server data load)

I am using the suggest component to load data from the server when typing in the comobox. This is my code:

id: “aard”, view: “combo”, label: “Aard”, name: “Aard”,
suggest: {
keyPressTimeout: 400,
body: {
dataFeed: “/api/aardautocomplete”,
yCount: 10

My form is filled with data from the load-method:

The problem I’m having is that I don’t know how to show the selected value in the combobox. The suggest list is only loaded when the user starts to type, so there’s no data yet.

I think I found something myself. I’m not entirely happy with it, but it seems to do the job. I return the id + value when loading my data from the server. I then set that in the combobox as the only option and select it manually.

         $$("formAlgemeen").load("/api/formsampledata?id=1", function(text, data, http_request) {
            var doc = data.json();