I am using fas fa-… icons for buttons. And I need to apply transformation (Font Awesome).
I have discovered how to add attributes and finished with this code:
{ view: 'button', localId: 'button-zoom-in', type: 'icon', icon: 'fas fa-search-plus', width: 28, css: 'webix_transparent',
on: { onAfterRender: () => { _.defer(() => { $(this.#buttonZoomIn.getInputNode()).find('svg').attr('data-fa-transform', 'shrink-4 down-2 right-2'); }); }}},
{ view: 'button', localId: 'button-zoom-out', type: 'icon', icon: 'fas fa-search-minus', width: 28, css: 'webix_transparent',
on: { onAfterRender: () => { _.defer(() => { $(this.#buttonZoomOut.getInputNode()).find('svg').attr('data-fa-transform', 'shrink-4 down-2 right-2'); }); }}},
Is there some more simple way to do this.