Setting sub array values in a list

What is the recommended way to set the data field in the memberActionListView so that the actions array (which is a subarray) iis displayed? So that when the member record is updated the actions list is updated as well?

{ view:“list”, select:true, borderless:true, id:“memberActionListView”,
template:"#dueDate# - #action#,
data: ???member_set.getSelectedId().actions???

var member_set = [
“memberRecordID”: “280”,
“first”: “David”,
“last”: “Brown”,
“phone”: “801-123-1234”,
“email”: “”,
“birthday”: “05/05/2009”,
“misc”: “Head Mechanic”,
“actions”: [
“action”: “Test flywheel”,
“dueDate”: “08/02/2036”,
“completed”: “false”
“action”: “Update shocks”,
“dueDate”: “08/02/2036”,
“completed”: “false”
“action”: “Repair seals”,
“dueDate”: “08/02/2036”,
“completed”: “false”

If you want to show data from sub sub-array along with the main record data - you can use a template defined as function. It allows to implement any kind of data logic.

Check the next sample

So if I was trying to display the subarray for let’s say the next person in the list I would need to set that in the template portion and not change the data I assume.

The idea is to only populate the list with one of the members sub array - to do that would you still use the template like you did?

If the data set for the array is still member_set then the template will return a line for each record in the member_set as it should. What I want is to know the best way to set the data in the list to the subarray for that one member. Does that make sense?

The idea is to only populate the list with one of the members sub array
In such case you can use

{ view:"list", template:"#dueDate# - #action#, data: member_set[0].actions }

member set is a static js array, so you can’t use any methods on it, except of normal array operators

To have a bit more flexibility, you can parse it to the data collection

var members = new webix.DataCollection({ data:member_set });
//now you can use
{ view:"list", template:"#dueDate# - #action#, data: members.get(1).actions }

Here you can get member by its id ( not by index as in case of simple js array )