What is the recommended way to set the data field in the memberActionListView so that the actions array (which is a subarray) iis displayed? So that when the member record is updated the actions list is updated as well?
If you want to show data from sub sub-array along with the main record data - you can use a template defined as function. It allows to implement any kind of data logic.
So if I was trying to display the subarray for let’s say the next person in the list I would need to set that in the template portion and not change the data I assume.
If the data set for the array is still member_set then the template will return a line for each record in the member_set as it should. What I want is to know the best way to set the data in the list to the subarray for that one member. Does that make sense?
member set is a static js array, so you can’t use any methods on it, except of normal array operators
To have a bit more flexibility, you can parse it to the data collection
var members = new webix.DataCollection({ data:member_set });
//now you can use
{ view:"list", template:"#dueDate# - #action#, data: members.get(1).actions }
Here you can get member by its id ( not by index as in case of simple js array )