December 23, 2014, 12:54pm
How can one achieve a fluid/elastic layout by using percentages instead of exact pixel widths?
E.g. I’d like to have
rows: [
{ template:"Row 1", height: '20%' },
{ view:"resizer" },
{ cols:[ //2nd row, automatically calculated to 80% height
{ template:"Column 1", 'width: 30%' },
{ template:"Column 2"} // width automatically calculated to 70%
The same feature would be great for item content in datatables.
Thanks, and Merry Christmas!
December 24, 2014, 3:20am
Thank you. Merry Christmas to you too!
Webix widgets can be sized on percent basis in the following ways:
Layouts :
Gravity defines how much a row/column is bigger than other children of its parent. By default gravity value is 1, which means that free space is evenly distributed by UI parts unless they feature a fixed size.
rows: [
{ template:"Row 1", gravity:0.2 },
{ view:"resizer" },
{ cols:[ //2nd row, automatically calculated to 80% height
{ template:"Column 1", gravity:0.3},
{ template:"Column 2"} // width automatically calculated to 70%
Check the docs at http://docs.webix.com/desktop__dimensions.html#relativesizing
Datatable/treetable :
The fillspace property defines how much a column is bigger than other columns. Though, by default, columns come with 100px width.
Check the docs at http://docs.webix.com/datatable__sizing.html#settingthefixedsize (Relative sizing section)
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