Sizing with percentages / relative dimensions

How can one achieve a fluid/elastic layout by using percentages instead of exact pixel widths?

E.g. I’d like to have

    rows: [
        { template:"Row 1", height: '20%' },
        { view:"resizer" },
        { cols:[ //2nd row, automatically calculated to 80% height
            { template:"Column 1", 'width: 30%' }, 
            { template:"Column 2"}  // width automatically calculated to 70%

The same feature would be great for item content in datatables.

Thanks, and Merry Christmas!

Thank you. Merry Christmas to you too!

Webix widgets can be sized on percent basis in the following ways:


Gravity defines how much a row/column is bigger than other children of its parent. By default gravity value is 1, which means that free space is evenly distributed by UI parts unless they feature a fixed size.

    rows: [
        { template:"Row 1", gravity:0.2 },
        { view:"resizer" },
        { cols:[ //2nd row, automatically calculated to 80% height
            { template:"Column 1", gravity:0.3}, 
            { template:"Column 2"}  // width automatically calculated to 70%

Check the docs at


The fillspace property defines how much a column is bigger than other columns. Though, by default, columns come with 100px width.

Check the docs at (Relative sizing section)

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