somebody help me T.T

i receive complex data like this.

use this data , make ‘bar chart’ , ‘template’, ‘label’
how to use this data?

can i use data property or url property?

What exactly you want to build? a bar chart? a table?

Try to define your data like this:

var dataset = [
                {id:1,value:1}, {id:2,value:2}, {id:3,value:3}

var columns = [...];

and so on.

In this case, you should include your data as a .js-file and use the data property, e.g. data:dataset.

You cannot use url or data property, but supposing that you have received this data in response of the Ajax request, you can dynamically define any part of this data data for the needed component(s):

webix.ajax("data.php", function(res){
      //var data = res.json();
     //came from server
     var data =  { dataset:[...], columns:[...], list:[...] };
       // and so on

@Helga @Listopad
thank`s a lot

there is one more question…

how to response of the ajax request when this page open? T.T

Please, look at the sample related to this topic:

As you can see, the the request "data/configdata.json" returns an object with two properties (check the console):

{ "config": [...], "rows":[...]}

And then this data is used to build the datatable - config is taken for columns, rows is parsed as data.