Spreadsheet features

I wonder if the spreadsheet has the possibility to insert some features of Excel, such as filling formulas by clicking on the reference cell or drag the formula from one cell to the other, filling the same. I did not find anything about it in the docs.


We are preparing a major update for the spreadsheet ( will be available till the end of September )

filling formulas by clicking on the reference cell

Will be available

drag the formula from one cell to the other,

Not available, but you can use ctrl-c, ctrl-v to copy formula

Ok…Thank you for reply.

The ctrl -c does not work in the spreadsheet, but if it worked, the formula does not change the sequence lines.
For example:
Cell E1 → = A1 + B1
if I copy and paste in E2 , it will remain as = A1 + B1 as should turn A2 + B2.
have any solution for this?


Please be sure that you have “math:true” in the spreadsheet constructor
