I am evaluating Spreadsheet for inclusion in an internal web app and I have 2 questions/issues. If I can’t resolve them, it will be a show-stopper.
Referencing cells on 2nd sheet
When creating a formula, I can easily click on a cell in the same sheet and its reference in included in the formula. Very good. However, from what I have seen this is not the case when I want to use a cell that is on a 2nd sheet. I can’t just go to the cell and click on it and the reference in included in my formula. Am I doing something wrong or is that expected behaviour?
Insert lines on 2nd sheet doesn’t update formula reference
Assume I have a formula on Sheet1 that contains a reference to say Sheet2!A1. Now on Sheet2, I insert a new column at A. So, the cell I want to reference is now Sheet2!B1. As far as I can tell, the formula back on Sheet1 does not get updated to reference Sheet2!B1 like Excel does. Again, am I doing something wrong or is that expected behaviour?
Can you please provide some guidance as soon as possible.
Yes, this feature isn’t implemented, so it’s expected behaviour. We added this to the list of features and in future versions we will try to implement it.
OK, Thanks Dima_S
Your solution to the 1st issue works beautifully - brilliant. Any idea on the timeframe to address the 2nd issue? Or, perhaps a work-around?
Thanks Dima - I can see what is happening now …
The snippet works really well when I am inserting a line into Sheet2. However, in addition, I need to be able to insert a line into Sheet1 and the formulas in Sheet2 are updated. I tried to update your code but I can’t get it to work. I’m sure it isn’t too much of a change but I am only new to this ;(
Really appreciate it if you could have a look. Thank you so much.
Hi Dima
I have found the issue! Your solution works absolutely perfectly on my version of Firefox (v67.0.4). However, on my version of Chrome (v72.0.3626.121), I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError:
data[2].matchAll(…) is not a function or its return value is not iterable at line 34
The spreadsheet does not even load in my version of IE (v11.0.9600.19356CO).
I have users using all sort of different browsers. Is there something we can do to make it work across all 3 of these?
Many thanks
Hi Dima - all your answers work really well, but I have a related question …
If I have a formula in Sheet1!A1 that is =Sheet2!A1, then I copy Sheet1!A1 to Sheet1!A2, the formula in Sheet1!A2 remains as =Sheet2!A1.
I need the formula in Sheet1!A2 to be updated to Sheet2!A2, just like Excel does. Seems to me it might be similar solution to what you have previously provided above??
Referencing cells on 2nd sheet
When creating a formula, I can easily click on a cell in the same sheet and its reference in included in the formula. Very good. However, from what I have seen this is not the case when I want to use a cell that is on a 2nd sheet. I can’t just go to the cell and click on it and the reference in included in my formula. Am I doing something wrong or is that expected behaviour?
@geyres , starting from Webix 7.0 this feature works out of the box.