Spreadsheet merge cells and text wrap calculated height is very large

See: https://snippet.webix.com/w0b7pzh6

  1. Unset “Text Wrap” to cell A:7, all normal…
  2. Set “Text Wrap” to cell A:7, the height of the cell is very large and if it is manually adjusted by serializing the sheet and reloading it loses the adjustment and the height becomes very large again.

How can I calculate the height of the merged cells correctly?
How do I save cell height settings?

Hello @JorgeQuiros,

I can confirm the issue, thank you for the report. The bug will be fixed in the nearest future.

How can I calculate the height of the merged cells correctly?

For now, you could try and manually set the row height according to the current “wrap” status. Here is an example of a possible workaround, please take a look: https://snippet.webix.com/sok8wqkk.