Styling the context menu of Tabview

When the tabview have n number of tabs beyond the view, there is a ‘…’ icon to browse the hidden tabs. How to change the style of that menu?. i.e. remove borders, change height of menu item etc.

Is there a way to create scrolled tabs like in android?.

Ok, I got the answer from
But how to define css?

You can fully customize tabbar popup (including css) by either

Thank you. Is there a way for scroll able tabs like in android?

Similar example is here

As to the scrollbale tabs, please check this snippet:

You can use Webix List in x mode, stylize it and connect it to the Multiview via events.

Thank you. I have created like the one you have created, but how to autoscroll the tab when you select the foremost tab?

I’m afraid I don’t understand your question, but…

If you mean the initial tab selection, you can do it within the ready handler:

If you want to show the necessary tab programmatically, you can apply the .showItem() method:

What I meant was for example,
when your view (in the above snippet) have 6 tabs shown initially, when you click the 6th tab, it should scroll towards -x so that it will show 7th tab for selection. so I don’t have to scroll towards -x direction to select the 7th tab. It can be done using showItem(), but how to do it on +x direction also?.

In the above example, when I click the 6th tab, the whole remaining tabs were scrolled to -x instead of one tab scroll.

You can memorize the previously selected tab and find out the scrolling direction:

Thank you. I tried with different approach.