I realise this is somewhat off topic and is not really a Webix specific query, but I’m hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction or tell me I’m wasting my time.
My application uses an essentially empty HTML page, with Webix defining the entire UI through webix.ui({ …}) methods at runtime. Is this an appropriate approach to using Webix (it certainly seems to work very well like this - Webix seems amazingly powerful) or is it suggested that various layout areas are defined with HTML DIV entries?
In relation to that, attempting to use other Javascript library functionality (like ‘network’ charts from http://visjs.org) can anyone help me understand how a target container might be used when Webix creates the entire UI — ie. I do not have any DIV sections to direct the output to. Thank you in advance for any guidance you may be able to offer
Hi, you can always use
template with div inside for container purposes. They you can put whatever you want inside container, either via function return or via some external imports.
I use template a lot when I want to take over control from webix for some particular screen area.
There are two possible solutions.
(a) you can define an empty container and init a custom control in it later
{ id:"top" },
{ view:"resizer" },
var network = new vis.Network($$("top").getNode(), data, options);
(b) you can wrap a custom library in Webix widget, check http://webix.com/blog/using-third-party-libraries-with-webix-ui/
Thanks very much Arnes, Maksim, I went with the getNode() option and it seems to be working well
I changed the reference (http://visjs.org/dist/vis.*) to point to a local file, but nothing gets displayed. I have confirmed the relative path to the file is correct (…\lib\vis-4.19.1\dist\vis.js). Any ideas why or how to debug this?
The console indicates that the error is a ‘reference error’ with ‘new vis.DataSet’
PS I tried downloading the files from the URL using wget and the issue persists.
Can you share the problematic snippet? Error code suggests that vis library was not loaded at all.
Apologies for the delay is responding. The issue was an  in the vis.js file.