Suggestion: Improve documentation

I’m sorry if this is the wrong place for suggestions. Please let me know where I should go if that is the case.

I think that the documentation for webix does not do the framework justice. Certain methods/properties exist but are not documented on certain components (getColumnConfig works on datatable but it is only documented in treetable). Samples are given without any clear way to access or edit the code (should be linked to a Code Snippet instead of a page with the sample).

These are a couple of examples that I can think of right now but more have cropped up since I’ve started using the framework; and don’t get me wrong, it is a great framework, I just wish the docs were better.

My thoughts exactly. The framework is great, and I think it has great potential. Your support via support forum is also very very good. There are new releases frequently (maybe this explains the documentation?) which in my opinion is also a good thing.
It’s a shame really - I can think of no better way to discourage potential new users than providing inadequate documentation. I would love to see Webix gain more traction among web developers, and honestly think that this can be an issue.


Thanks for your suggestions and ideas. We will consider all of them.

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