Suggestions for next release (update)

Defaults parameter on a form and fieldset. That is, when you have many formfields and you have the ability to have “defaults” object on the form or fieldset, where you can add the default config values for that form. F.e.

view : 'fieldset', label : 'Algemeen', body : { defaults: { labelWidth : 75, .more default values. }, rows : [{ view : "text", name : "naam", label : "Naam", required : true }, { view : "text", name : "telefoon", label : "Telefoon", required : true }, { view : "text", name : "email", label : "Email", required : true, validate : "isEmail" } ....

Form ( and toolbar ) already has such mechanic - you can use elementsConfig property to define config options that will be applied to all elements in the form.