Support of IE8

Hello guys from Webix,

this library is really top! Congratulations.

First question: IE8 is not generally supported here even there are still a lot of XPs around in the enterprises. Have you any experience or suggestion of using one of the html5 shims together with Webix? Or is dhtmlx then the better option?

Second question: Webix doesn’t offer to compile an reduced widget set for an application on order to minimize the initial download size (which is a standard in dhtmlx). Is there any intention to support this in the future?

Thank you again for Webix,


Any experience with using html5 shims and webix on IE8?

The library actually supports IE8
There are few visual aspects, which will degrade in IE8 ( square corners instead of round corners, plain colors instead of gradients, etc ), but lib itself will work in IE8. In next month we will release few extra skins, part of them is plain color based, so difference between IE8 and modern browsers will be minimal

As for custom builds - it is already possible, but need to install dev. version and requires quite a lot of configuration. We will publish an online tool in nearest time ( one - two weeks ). By the way, the full library, after gzipping, takes only 110kb.

Maksim, thank you for your reply.
I have tried some examples in IE8, some of them seems a little bit weird.
I’m looking forward to the customization tool. A smart load on demand would be an attractive alternative.
Anyhow, webix is already now a top library.


If you have issues with functionality in IE8 - be sure to open ticket at