SVG Image in ScrollView

How can I add an SVG into a ScrollView and be able to pan around? The SVG will be bigger than the ScrollView container so I want to be able to pan the SVG around.

This code puts the SVG in the ScrollView but there are no scroll bars:

            body: {
                view: 'scrollview',
                body: {
                    template: "<svg width='5000' height='5000'><circle cx='2500' cy='2500' r='2400' stroke='black' stroke-width='4' fill='red' /></svg>"

Does there need to be explicit drag/drop behavior added to be able to pan the image?


You need to define the height of content to enable scrollview functionality

or just enable scrolls on template

Thanks that was easy.

Now onto the second question I asked. What events do I need to implement to pan around the image?

How must the code looks like, to zoom and pan the svg image ?

Best Regards

Unfortunately, there is no ready to use solution. On touch devices it must be possible to disable webix-touch handlers to use native pan and zooming actions. As for desktop and mouse, it must be added through raw HTML events.

Ok thanks.

here I will share an example I made with d3, maybe it helps someone else too.
The svg graphic is based on a graphviz DOT file, which is rendered with dagreD3 and the zooming is done with d3.

That’s good stuff Matthias.