I have two views which should access the same data. one is a scheduler and the other one a datatable. any options to keep them bound together?
thanks for your help
You can not apply webix sync() to dhtmlxscheduler. Try to use onStoreUpdated event to handle data changes in the main DataCollection. And also you will need to update DataCollection on Scheduler data change.
I am trying to use meteor as a sync server.
I will buy webix + scheduler for my company, if this setup will work out or if you have a good recommendation for a node server doing the syncing between the two components.
Iām using the flowing libraries to to the sync:
I uploaded my meteor project to github and this is the main file:
The repo is deployed under: http://webixcalendar.meteor.com/
There seem to be a problem with the creation of the ids: scheduler is creating an id based on the date & meteor is creating a _id. this leads to a mismatch when one tries to use it together with datatables.
it seems datatable is only creating the _id and not a id. I would like to map the scheduler id to _id like backbone does.
you can reproduce it on http://webixcalendar.meteor.com/ the following way:
- create a new event in scheduler: ā id is a mongoId
- change the name of the same event. ā id is a timestamp, so a scheduler id
So my question is really, how can i get scheduler to just use mongoIds and stop messing with _id?
thanks for your help