When I try to change the tabview using API, I got script error. Please help on the error. http://webix.com/snippet/509bff8c
When I expand and click 1st child , the ‘Video Data’ tab got changed, but when I click the first child itself, it is supposed to change to ‘Show Data’, but I got script error.
I can confirm the issue.
Data on different levels of tree miss the collections for data binding, which is resulting in the issue. ( when you are clicking on second level item, “Show Data” attempts to load data from .CAST collection, but if you have a third level item selected, it doesn’t have such a collection, which results in the error.
I have added the fix to the dev. version, if you have a support subscription, please contact us at support@webix.com, we will provide the updated version of Webix.
Check the code at the bottom of updated snippet for a temporary solution.