Its me again. I have the following column configuration
{ id:“Samples”, header:“Samples”,adjust:true, sort:“int”,css:{“text-align”:“right”},format:webix.Number.numToStr({groupDelimiter:",",groupSize:3,decimalDelimeter:".",decimalSize:0})},
When exporting as PDF, the alignment of the column values changes to left from right.
With Regds
Unfortunately this is expected.
Export preserves only data and do not preserve align and styling of data items.
We plan to improve this functionality in one of the next builds.
yo pude alinearlo utilizando generate.php del siguiente link:
luego dentro de generate.php hacer un str_replace y cambiar las columnas con “left” por “right”
require_once 'gridExcelGenerator.php';
require_once 'gridExcelWrapper.php';
$debug = false;
$error_handler = set_error_handler("PDFErrorHandler");
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$xmlString = stripslashes($_POST['grid_xml']);
} else {
$xmlString = $_POST['grid_xml'];
$xmlString = urldecode($xmlString);
if ($debug == true) {
error_log($xmlString, 3, 'debug_'.date("Y_m_d__H_i_s").'.xml');
//apartir de aqui realice el replace
$patrones = array();
$patrones[0] = '';
$patrones[1] = '';
$patrones[2] = '';
$sustituciones = array();
$sustituciones[0] = '';
$sustituciones[1] = '';
$sustituciones[2] = '';