I have observed that text truncates when using a datatable with css:
Why is happening this? Is there any way to fix it?
(I think there is an issue when changing the font size and with “br” tags.)
Thanks in advance!
Sizes in ajustRowHeight are calculated based on the base styles and skin, and if you need to change this, you need to add the same styles as those specified for the row to the styles under the webix_measure_size
However, since you have a lot of styling customization, it is safer to use a full selector: Code Snippet
Also, if you have paddings that differ from the default sizes of the skin, then in some cases this can cause visual problems. For example, the rendered widget may exceed the calculated width and go into overflow (please, read our docs to find more info)
Also, by default, scrolling tends to the beginning of a new line, but on lines with large heights this is not very nice - you can turn it off. To do this, add the following property to the config: scrollAlignY:false