I am an avid JS (full stack) developer with my latest projects using Meteor. One of my biggest challenges has been Meteor lack of (or more like roll your own) UI. An industry wide challenge has also been platform as it relates to UI. There are a few (Rachet, Ionic, etc) that cater to mobile, but I have yet to find anything that auto adapts for ALL ‘devices’ including desktop.
I currently use a mix of a ton of things to get that done (like Meteoric on mobile and Bootstrap on desktop), but I end up spending more time writing glue than functional code. In just a day of playing with Webix and seeing a Meteor integration already in progress, I for one see a potential match made in heaven forming here.
If that can continue in parallel with the parties involved moving to solve the ALL (mobile, plus desktop, plus watches, plus???) platforms equation automatically (ideally based on display size, not device) I truly believe that would become a train that could be hard to stop.
I am perhaps initially over impressed with Webix like I initially was with Meteor, but Meteor continues to improve and now has quite a few $$ behind it. I can see the same happening for Webix. I am now officially another advocate for Webix and for furthering the integration with Meteor.