ToExcel Multiple Datatables as Sheets

I would like to export two tables to Excel as two sheets.

webix.toExcel([$$(“table1”), $$(“table2”)]);

This results in: Cannot read property ‘$exportView’ of undefined

All available customizations with export to Excel are described here.

// exporting all components with custom sheet names
    [$$("table"), $$("list"), $$("chart")], 
    { filename: "My data", sheets:["Big data", "Small data", "Chart data"]}
// exporting separate components with default sheet names
    [$$("table"), $$("list")], 
    { filename: "My data" }

Here is an example how you can solve it:

This actually ended up being an issue with my webix js version. Running the latest version resolved the issue.

@Nastja is it possible to export multiple datatables in the same sheet one below the other? Thanks.

I clicked “Export all tabs with custom sheet names” and I see “Data 1, Data 2, Data 2” for the sheet name. As per config it should be “Big data”, “Small data”, “Chart data”.

I guess I found the new snippet that works - Code Snippet
[{id:“table”, options: {name:“Big data”}},
{id:“list”, options: {name:“Small data”}},
{id:“chart”, options: {name:“Chart data”}}],
filename:“My data”