toolbar times-circle icon not working

Why times-circle toolbar icon do not respond to click: actions?
I just want to drive the click to a function that properly close all related process.
view:"icon", icon:"times-circle", click:function(){PanelControl(event);}}
All other icons are working fine. Thanks.

Hi It seems to have a bug or else here. When I assig a label, it works ok. As I do not need a label I put label: “” and now it works. Thank you.

Can you please provide a snippet of the issue? Seems like it works as expected:

Hi Listopad …sorry but I could not reproduce the problem. Now, click: is firing the function even without the presence of a label property. I ll be back to this point if any problem arise again. Thanks for care.

Perhaps evaluating this problem will be handier through the webix_debug:

With the webix.debug = true you will see what’s going on with Webix components, including the onclick for icons.