tree resize

I’ve got a tree in a cell, which I can resize by a {view: “resize”} object.
when I want to rearange the content it would be great to resize the tree.

But which event is for this resizing the colls or cells??

Both cells adjusted to view:resizer will trigger onViewResize event

Thanks, that was it! :wink:

I checked it out but doesn’t work should it be like this:

$$(‘treename’).attachEvent(“onViewResize”, function(){


if treename is an ID of the resized view then the above code is valid.

Please beware that event will be triggered only for cells those are adjusted to view:resizer. It will not be triggered for any other cells which can be resized by the same action.

Ah okay.
treename is the id of my tree. But if I resize the col of the tree the tree will not
be resized!

I have a resizer object {view: “resizer”} in a col right side of the tree. This one should trigger the tree.


I changed the html-Code and it works better now :wink: