Tree with links


Could you please give me a simple example showing how to setup a tree where each node has a title and link. I would also like to know how to point the link target to an iframe component.

E.g. a layout with 2 cols. A tree on the left and an iframe on the right. When the user clicks on a node, the link is loaded in the iframe component.

With raw html it would be done with something like this:


You can use onItemClick event in tree to trigger iframe change

Or you can use templates with native HTML links

template:"{common.icon()}{common.folder()}<a target='mart' href='#link#'>#value#</a>",

Thank you.

In the above snippet,,

Iā€™m perplexed why the link to ā€œā€ does not work?

It is not related to the sample, but to the forum software at

The forum is configured to block loading self in iframe ( this is default policy on many public websites )