I load a treetable (~250k items , ~3 top nodes, ~6 levels). Everything is fine (and fast).
I open a item (with ~2k nodes under). The pager have to update itself (<100 items/per page). Nothing. I open another node (few nodes to open), the pager updates itself correctly. I’ve put some “alert()” on the events onOpenItem/onCloseItem. It’s fire correctly. Need to investigating more … BTW, i’m looking for the best way to manage several millions of items with few top nodes and many children…
In case of treetable or datatable, you need use a paging to improve performance. The component renders only visible data, so it work with the same speed for both cases - with and without paging.
The paging can be added to simplify navigation ( but I still think that it is more confusing than helping for hierarchical components )