Treetable loading instead of saving the state and loading from cache

I have a treetable which loads perfectly I save the data to cache before leaving the page and than once I return it loads the data again from server side instead of using the cache data and the treetable state doesn’t get saved.

This is a snippet of what I have:

Not sure what to do I just want the treetable state to be consistent once I come back to it and not load from the server side.

I’ve checked your snippet and could not locate the problem. Data is loaded only once and then it is derived from cache on page reload, there’re no additional requests to server . You can check it in the console:

Also, tree state is saved and restored smoothly.

Please check that your compressing and decompressing functions return the right data.

So I did some alerts to make sure the compression and decompressions are working fine and they seem to have the correct data and you are correct they are loading from cache when I leave the page and return but for some reason it doesn’t load the tree state when I go to another page and return. It just gives me the first node.

This is another snippet this time of everything I have:

If I remove the compressions and decompression it does work. But with the compression/decompression it works but just doesn’t keep the tree state consistent it goes back to the first node. Do you know anyway I can keep the tree state as well with the compression/decompression?