Treetable: Paging/Dynamical Reloading

Hello everyone,

I have a question about the Treetable:

I need to show a lot of Data in a Treetable. I already know that i can load the data for expanded rows danymically. But since I have a huge amount of ‘top-hierarchy’ data I would need to load these dynamically while scrolling.

Does this Treetable of webix provide this feature? Let me know if you need any additional information to answer this question!


Such kind of mixed dynamical loading is not implemented. Though, it possible to customize the component ( public api, changes in the sources are not required ) so it will send loading request for extra data when you are scrolling to the end of the current dataset.

How much data you will have on the top level ?
Client side code renders only visible part of dataset, so amount of data will not impact the client side performance.

Not that much data yet, but the amount of data will increase a lot over the time. Another table I implemented shows 83.000 rows of data on top-level, that’s where we really needed this feature.

This treetable here will need to show less, maybe around 500 entries.

For 500 entries it really has not sense to use dynamical loading.

For 80k entries client side code will work fine, but it will result in loading of 10 Mb of data, which is unwise. I will add your case as feature-request, so we may add native support for such kind of dyn. loading in one of next builds.

Ok thank you so far!

I still have an other question:

Are there problems with Internet Explorer 9 or higher? I tried some sample code from the documentations here and the result is broken. On Google Chrome it’s working like a charme, but the IE messed up the Table…

Please share any of problematic links.

All components work in IE8+. It is expected that component in IE9 will have plain colors instead of gradients, but except of that - all functionality must be the same as in other browsers.

The grid runs on a local server here, but i can provide some screenshots:

This is how it looks on Google Chrome (how it should be):

And this is how it looks on Internet Explorer 9:

FireFox is exactly the same like Google Chrome

It seems you have posted the same image two times.
Anyway, be sure that IE is not in compatibility mode ( it is common for local zone )

Next try:



a) Try to add html doctype on the page

<!doctype html>

b) please double check that IE have not switched to the compatibility mode