Hello , I have a problem with scroll in treetable.
When I select an item at the end of treetable, the scroll move to the top and I don’t see my item selected .
It is the same thing when I add an item and refresh the treetable.
What is the best way to keep the scroll position on selected item ?
But the problem is interactions with other objects or when I reload the treetable.
Example : I have an item selected at the end of treetable, if I reload the tree with server data, I recorded the last item selected, and when I reload the tree, I use properties “open” and “select” to have the same representation.
The element selected is ok , but I don’t see it because the scroll is on top, I must use the mouse and scroll to see it and I don’t want this effect.
I want to restitute the same representation with scroll at the same place when I reload the treetable.
Ok , I arrive to reload the tree with scroll at good position if I use $(plansTreeTable).showItem(id) with “id” the id of last selected item.
My problem is more perturbing.
It’s work if the treetable view is alone. But I have another view (form) under the treetable that change dynamically in function of item selected. And when I change the form view under the treetable (with “hide”, “show”, “select”) the scroll of treetable don’t do the good job (maybe because height of treetable change?). I try to investigate and find a solution.
I haven’t online demo, with my tests, it is the “height” of treetable that change the behavior . If the height is defined there is no problem.
I have 2 objects. On top : the treetable, on bottom : a form separated by view : “resizer”.
I don’t want to define the height of treetable because I want to keep the flexibility between treetable and form with resizer. I will come back on this problem later . Thanks for the response.