Two demo pages are confusing, and some demos are hidden

Webix is so great, the more I work with it!

Today I wanted to show the demo page to a colleague, and realized that there are two demo pages, plus hidden apps. This is confusing and makes it harder to impress new users. is a GREAT demo. It’s featured first at - great.

But what about ? It seems like an older demos page. I would suggest removing it and redirecting to the main, easy to remember and type (if having a conversation over the phone)
The only extra demo it has vs. the main demos page is the link to “Over 100 widget demos”. That could be moved into too.

Then there are hidden demos accessible once you scroll through the “Live demos”, for example Traders or User. I would suggest listing these explicitly on the demos page, because decision makers may have specific scenarios in mind, and if they see one close to theirs, they’re much more likely to choose Webix.

Bottom line - please unify all demos into one page, link from it to (the 100 widget demos) and to Samples, and please list all major demos on one page.


Hello Dan,

Thank you for you useful comments and cool ideas!
We’ve already fix the problem with two demo pages by redirecting to the main page.
We’ll consider the idea that concerns adding all live demos to the main page and unifying all demos into one page.

Where would one find the source code to these demos? They appear minimized when looking at them online, for obvious reasons. I downloaded the GPL free version but did not see them there either.

Webix package includes all Widget Demos ( in samples folder )
Full source of Webix admin app template can be taken from github

Hey Webix Team. Just wanted to mention that it is sooo COOL that you publish the source code for all your demos. This helps so much in learning webix. Keep up the good work!