The error can occur if you are trying to get a data item when the dataset is empty (e.g. not yet loaded). Please ensure that your data is loaded before working with it:
//one of the ways to wait until data arrives
Also, we recommend to link to a non-minified “codebase/webix.js” file during developing. It outputs comprehensible error logs and offers a lot of other hints for developers.
hello, I had always something in datatable when I click in the button to had another entry, I tried your solution but I have always the problem, this random erreur occurs sometimes but it very difficult to know why ?
when I click on button , it just show a view window with a field text, and it occurs at this time.
I tried to use webix.js instead of webix.min.js but I can’t reproduce this error with webix.js . Any other ideas ?
Hello @romain,
These files (webix.js and webix.min.js) are identical and should not depend on which file is used.
Could you please provide more details? Is there no such error when you are using the non-minified version?
Could you please share the part of the code in which when you click on the button a window with a form appears?
Problem resolved , I had a “bind” between a datatable and a window , that 's why this error occurs. But I confirm that I had this error with webix.min.js , not with webix.js. Thanks.