I’m looking to implement pretty much exactly the same as the ‘Tags’ control at the bottom of this https://forum.webix.com/post/discussion
page. I found a previous query along very similar lines from October 2018, and in that example by @Nastja it was suggested to use ui.multicombo
( Code Snippet ). While that example is close to how the New Discussion
page looks and works, there are notable differences, such as the way the popup renders and the options available as prompts or suggestions based on what the user has already typed have checkboxes to the left. Would you be able to tell me how the control can be used/configured to look and behave like the New Discussion
page? It’s precisely what I’m looking for.
Thanks for any and all help you might be able to provide
You can remove checkboxes via webix.type as
webix.type(webix.ui.list, {
checkbox: function(obj){
return "";
To redefine filter you can with the help of suggest as
suggest: {
var html = "<span class='" + (obj.$checked ? "checked" : "") + "'>";
html += obj.title;
html += "</span>"
return html
Also,if we are talk about filtering you can use dataFeed which helps you to set a more complex algorithm.
Additionally, adding an empty option to the suggest (in the dataset):
{id:"$add_new", package:"Create smth", $empty:true}
- dataFeed only works when you start typing, default options are set via data or url