Unable to highlighting submenu options in context menu

I Unable to highlighting submenu options in context menu when hover to a particular option in submenu. But in context menu it is highlighting with blue color. The same thing is not happening in submenu…

Please help me.
Thanks in advance.

I have checked the same scenario locally and highlighting is the same in case of context menu and sub menu.

Which skin you are using ?

Are you using custom css rules for the problematic menu ?

Please find the below snippet.

                        view: "contextmenu",
                        id: "dtContextMenu",
                        css: "webix-contextmenu",
                        master: $$("myGrid")

$$('dtContextMenu').attachEvent("onShow", function() {


var data=[{id:"one",value:"two"},
                {id:"two",value:"two","submenu": {data:[{"value":two1},    "value:two2"]}

Thank you.

Please beware that custom css css: "webix-contextmenu" will be assigned to the top level menu only.