Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting '00')

I’ve been using the Dashboard recently, all working OK till earlier today. I don’t know what I changed, but I’m suddenly seeing this error on moving any element in the dashboard. The dashboard renders OK the frist time and shows no errors, but if I try to move any component, this error is generated and the element disappears. The error seems to occur when I even just click on any element in the dashboard. The message is useless in terms f trying to track things down. And anyway, I am using a minified version - licenced 10.0.0., so the code is unintelligible.

Please help!

webix.min.js:92 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting '00')
    at e.E_ (webix.min.js:92:3503)
    at e.H_ (webix.min.js:92:3999)
    at e.B_ (webix.min.js:93:353)
    at e.moveView (webix.min.js:93:1005)
    at e.$drop (webix.min.js:93:3718)
    at Object.$drop (webix.min.js:31:721)
    at HTMLDocument.Zs (webix.min.js:30:1887)

It looks like one of the dashboard elements had a non-integer value - an integer, but in quotes, so typed as a string - in x, y, dx or dy. Fixed that, all OK.
You guys really need better error-trapping.