How can i insert in the callback onBeforeDelete when deleting file, showing a confirm dialog. Problem is that confirm is a modal dialog, but is not stopping the returning function onBeforeDelete .
Actually i use the window.confirm function, but it’s not good looking.
Thanks for your help
Please check: https://webix.com/snippet/862b99f8
Confirmation has to be attached to the uploader’s DataStore (uploader.files.data)
Just FYI, you were completely right using a native confirmation. Webix modal boxes cannot replace native alert/confirm. They limit access to the UI (i.e. block user actions), but cannot prevent the code execution.
UPD.: However, “files->onBeforeDelete” works as expected. Can you please provide a snippet that will illustrate the issue?
confirmation can be used this way too:
Big thanks integral, it’s exactly what i want.
Thanks Listopad too