Uploader in 4.0.0

Recently upgraded to 4 pro, but now my upload function doesn’t work using parameters.

/callback function/
{ param1:“value1”,

When I debug the request, they are not sent.

When I revert to 3.4.5, it works fine.



Since 4.0 the common way to send parameters is the formData property:

uploader.config.formData = {/*params*/};

But if this way doesn’t suit, could you please clarify the use-case and importance of these parameters in the send() method?


No problem now I know. Was the changed detailed anywhere? It does mean changing a fair bit of code, and would be a good idea to change the documentation perhaps.



These changes weren’t mentioned in Docs, but we will update it soon.

In conclusion, these parameters cannot be passed in the $$("uploader").send() method anymore, as there was an issue with sending them repeatedly after an unsuccessful request. On the other hand, formData property provides the stable performance.