I am using external template where the content property of the template links to a visible container. I also have a datatable that I need to update some of its content.
I managed to figure out how to update the datatable from angular controller by wrapping my function with $scope.$apply(). However, this works without using the external template. With the external template the application does not run and I get the following error:
TypeError: Failed to execute ‘appendChild’ on ‘Node’: parameter 1 is not of type ‘Node’.
I suppose that is because the external template is not part of webix-ui. If you comment line 21 in the code snippet below, the datatable content changes without errors.
Note: the reason for the external template because I am using openseadragon which requires element ID to be initialized.
Simplified code snippet can be found in the link below. I appreciate any help.
Thank you